ApplePay is payment registration portal for staffing services provided by:
All's Well, ActOne, AppleOne, and AllSTEM ApplePay is a registered trademark of AppleOne, Inc., a staffing agency.

ApplePay’s eCheck is the most efficient, convenient and cost-effective method to remit payments for staffing services. Efficiency saves the environment, time, and money. What is eCheck? It’s an electronic version of a paper check, better known as EFT (Electronic Funds Transfer). This automated payment method is an efficient and secure way to process payroll and make payments without manually issuing a check. Invoices are electronically emailed to you weekly, allowing an Invoice Preview prior to any transactions being processed. A payment is then deducted from the checking account on file according to the agreed-upon payment terms.

To enroll in eCheck via ApplePay, please complete the following form and we will contact you to finalize your enrollment.